Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Once in a lifetime

That's what sort of moment it is when you can get my Mom to dress up and strut her stuff.

Many of you don't know her, except for my writing, but my Mom and I are very close. What you don't know is my Mom is the sort of woman who is a Mom and doesn't go for the glamorous stuff. With that said, it's few and far between....like once in every thirty years or so.

With that said, last weekend, we went to Vegas. On the way home, we stopped in Missouri so the kids could see Mom.

What's absolutely cool is my Mom had a function Sunday night for something. She dressed up and as it went, the kids couldn't believe how hot Mom looked and personally, I thought she looked damned good and told her.

That being said, she allowed me to take a photo of her. Here's the result.