Friday, September 4, 2009

I shopped at Kroger's today. While there, I actually listened to the Muzac...Lord, I hope I spelled that correctly!

On it, they had some of their advertisements for what's on sale and about their website.

When I got home, I went to the site and discovered they've got some really good coupons I could've used! Go figure...I'd find out AFTER I've already spent a fortune!

Just the same, if you're a customer of theirs, go to the site...I'm not joking! I mean, you save a dollar ON TOP of a regular coupon for Cheez-Its and that means it's like nearly free! The same goes for Sunbeam bread...nearly free.

What's icky strange is I've seen those "Coupon Ladies" on television and thought to myself..."Poor bitches, if I had to rip apart a Sunday paper with scissors, I'd kill myself." Now, I'm looking forward to doing it! Someone just shoot me!